Track design


We have the piece of land to the east, (left), of our current oval track, extending to the tree you can see on the photo below.
It is about 57 meters long by 17 meters wide at the far end and 26 meters wide at the west end, adjoining our existing land.
It's not ideal for track design, being long and thin, and also being an irregular shape.
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Initially I had thought to build the track primarily for 10th scale electric touring cars. With the track at 3 meters wide, it was possible to get an example of just about every type of corner into the design. Maybe not in the best configuration, but they were all there. That was good for a start... but then we started thinking about bikes, and 1/8th scale IC, both of which really need a 4 meter wide track to allow them to get round the corners.

It makes sense to design the track to cater for as many types of model car racing as possible. After a number of drafts, with a number of different cut-throughs, we have settled on a design which will maximise the use of the land available, while providing, (just about), the length and width required for the larger scale models.

Feedback from a number of drivers at regional and national level was taken into account, and the track design evolved to suit.
Alterations were made to move the rostrum further back from the track, and to shorten the hairpin to allow for better line of sight from the rostrum.

This is what we will build. Track pic
The straight is not quite the 45 meters we could have, because of the way I have brought the corners in to get a fast entry from a sweeper, and a fast exit onto a 180 bend. I thought track design more important than targeting an arbitrary straight length.
Nonetheless, it is 43 meters in length, which should be enough to let the IC cars, and the Modified electrics stretch their legs.

Key Statistics.

Possible track formats