Q. How does a chicken cross the road? Novell Chicken - crossed the road carrying all the other chickens. Gets no credit for the service because it forget to tell anybody. NT Chicken - will cross the road in June .... no, August ...... well OK, September for sure. OS/2 Chicken - it crossed the road in style years ago but was so quiet, nobody noticed . Win95 Chicken - you see different coloured feathers while it crosses - but cook it and still tastes like ...... chicken! Microsoft chicken - It's already on both sides of the road and it just bought the road! Assembler chicken - first it builds the road ... C chicken - it crosses the road without looking both ways. C++ chicken - the chicken wouldn't have to cross the road, you'd simply refer him to the other side. Delphi chicken - the chicken is dragged across the road and dropped on the other side. Java chicken - if your road needs to be crossed by a chicken, the server will download one to the other side. (These are, of course, 'chicklets'). Web chicken - jumps out on to the road, turns right and just keeps on running. Gopher chicken - tried to run but got flattened by the Web chicken. Newton chicken - can't cluck, can't fly and can't lay eggs but you can carry it across the road in your pocket. Quantum Logic chicken - the chicken is distributed probablistically on all sides of the road until you observe it on the side of your choice. Lotus chicken - don't you dare try to cross the road the same way that we do! COBOL chicken - 0001 - CHICKEN-CROSSING IF-NO-MORE-VEHICLES-THEN PERFORM 0010-CROSS-THE-ROAD VARYING STEPS FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL ON-THE-OTHER-SIDE ELSE GO TO 001-CHICKEN-CROSSING. UNIX chicken - the command to make the chicken cross the road is too complex to understand and way too ugly to execute.